The Wing Commander Total Conversion HQ

The Wing Commander Total Conversion HQ

Yes! A site update! Woohoo! Kind of ironic that the apparently most complete WC fan project has the worst webpage in existence. A tremendous number of capships have been completed, the only ships in the works now are the rest of the Armada fighters, the Armada Lexington, the WC2 Kamekh, the WC2 Sabre, the WC1 Lumbari, and the WC1 Exeter. And maybe the Strakha...although other ships that we want are not yet finished or even started on. Like the WC3 Kilrathi capships. The Waterloo cruiser. The Clydesdale, Dorkathi, all of the starposts/starbases/supply depots, and a few other transports.

Pictures of most of our recent craft can be found in the /pics subfolder. (although, currently index access is forbidden, need to work on that!)